In Memory Of
page is dedicated to Marge Schott and Judy
without whom the Rescue would not be as it is today and
Gracie who touched all
that ever knew her.
Those who have crossed the
Rainbow Bridge. Add your dog to the Memorial page.
The Rainbow Bridge
There is a bridge
connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called the
Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow
Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green
When a beloved pet
dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and
warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those
who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other
There is only one thing
missing; they are not with their special person who loved them on Earth.
So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly
looks up! The nose twitches. The ears are up. The eyes are staring. And
this one runs from the group
You have been seen, and
when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms
and embrace. You face is kissed again and again and again, and you look
once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the
Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

Your tax deductible donation
of $25 or more to our Rescue places a permanent memorial to your pet on
our web site.
Photos need to be e-mailed
to or can be
mailed (we will scan your picture for you--if you want the picture
returned send a self addressed stamp envelope). Donations can be
accepted through PayPal or a check via snail mail. Be sure
to include what text you would like included (20 words or less)
Send picture and/or payment to:
Harlequin Haven
Attention: Memory
11567 St. Rt. 774
Bethel, OH 45106
All images and text on this site Copyright © 1998-2025 Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue, Inc. unless otherwise credited. Use of any image or text without written permission is expressly forbidden. All rights reserved.