Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue

Harlequin Haven
Great Dane Rescue

11567 St. Rt. 774
Bethel, Ohio 45106

Open By Appointment Only


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My owners purchased me from a backyard breeder and unfortunately no one knew the proper care of a Great Dane puppy so I was the one to suffer. My owners picked me up when I was only 5 weeks old and when I was 14 weeks old I was rushed to the vet. I was running a high temperature, not eating and was unable to walk. During the next two weeks I was taken to different vets and the end results were the same I was not getting any better. Finally a vet figured out what was wrong, I have HOD and the saddest part was that even after the vet diagnosed me the treatment did not work. My owners were frustrated and worried about what was going to happen to me since I was not responding to the vets treatment and they had already spent more then they could afford. They called Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue and the next day my owners drove me to Columbus to meet a transport down to the rescue. It was a total of 5 hours for me riding in cars and I was exhausted and weak when I arrived. My Grandma here at the rescue saw how much pain I was in and I was put on a stretcher and carried into the building.

I had a really soft bed with tons of toys waiting for me and then Grandma gave me a spoon full of really taste food, with some medicine mixed in. She did not tell me what she gave me but told me to get some rest and I would feel better when I woke up. A few hours later she came back to check on me and sure enough I felt a bit better.

Update June 28: I now have been at the rescue for 2 days and I am able to stand and take a few steps. The pain has greatly subsided although Grandma tells me I have a long ways to go but at least I am getting better. I have to gain weight, Grandma says I am at least 10 pounds underweight since I had not been eating. Well it is nap time Grandma says I need my rest. I will write again in a few days!
Update June 30: I am feeling much better although still a long ways from being well but at least I am able to walk outside all by myself now!! Scroll down and see my new pictures.
Update July 10: Sorry I have not written but to be honest I am feeling much better and I just want to play! But Grandma told me I had to give you all an update. I went to see Dr. Schrader last week he is an orthopedic surgeon, not that I need surgery but Grandma says he is the best and she just wanted him to see me before the holiday weekend. All went well although it was very exhausting. I continue to improve daily and hopefully soon will be off all medication, unfortunately that is not as quick as I would like.
Update July 19: Well time for another update and this time Grandma took my picture so you could see how much better I am looking!!! I am off all medication and running and playing now! I feel great and love life!! Grandma said that I can not get carried away that I could have a set back but I don't want to think about that!! She said that I have to watch what I eat till I am full grown and have outgrown this stupid disease!! Oh well enough for now I wanta go play some more!!! Don't forget to scroll down and see my newest picture!!
Update August 17: Sorry I have not given you a update but things have been a bit hectic. I finally was neutered and thought I was going to be ready for adoption but I had a growth spurt and then I had a mild relapse of the HOD. I am again doing well but Grandma said she wants to wait to be sure I am 100% well before placing me up for adoption. Well gotta go play!! I just love playing!!
Update September 19: I have had several relapses although minor but still they have been setbacks. I am still growing like a weed which is not helping. Since I still am not ready for adoption I asked Grandma to at least take a new picture of me to share with you. I have placed them below. For those of you that keep asking YES I will always be deformed, but otherwise I will be healthy once I am completely over the HOD.  Well it is a beautiful day and I wanta go play so I will write again another day.

Update October 25: Okay I have not been to good about keeping everyone updated on my progress. Because of my earlier relapses I wanted to be 100% before making my big announcement!! I am WELL!!! I am over the HOD and have been for quite some time now! I have been totally enjoying life!! I am proud to announce I am NOW ready for adoption!!

Please can you spare a few dollars to help the Rescue continue to help me and other Danes like me? It would be greatly  appreciated. Without the Rescue who knows where we would have ended up!!
Thanks, Wesley

June 26

Below are pictures of my legs.

June 30

July 17

September 13

September 13

Date of Birth: 3/1/2009        
Description: male, merlequin, natural ears
HHGDR Suggests: Obedience Class, crate
Good With: Dogs, Adults, Cats, No Small Children

All images and text on this site Copyright © 1998-2025 Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue, Inc. unless otherwise credited. Use of any image or text without written permission is expressly forbidden. All rights reserved.

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